Half Yearly Meeting

Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India

21 September 2024

For Spot Registration, contact
W.Bro.Sudheer S Prabhu (Org.Secy) or
W.Bro.Mohit Saraf (Org.Treasurer)

We appreciate W. Bro. Pankaj Saraf for shouldering the responsibility as the Chairman of the organizing committee, W. Bro. Sudheer Prabhu as the organizing Secretary and W. Bro. Mohit Saraf as the organizing Treasurer. The entire team of organizing committee, formed into various sub-committees, guided and supported by Worshipful the ARGM of the Area W. Bro. Lt. Col. U. S. Dinesh, E. Comp. Jamshed Keki Mehta, Senior Officer In charge of the Chapters, and W. Bro. Govind Welling, ARGMM of the Area are endeavoring to make the HYM 2024 at Goa a memorable experience for all of us.

An occasion like this, enables convergence of masons from across the Southern Region to meet, greet and partake in the meetings/convocation of all three orders scheduled on Saturday, the 21st September.
RGLSI along with the organising committee members in general and the Brethren of Lodge Gomantak No.248 in particular look forward to welcome you at the HYM 2024. We are confident that this HYM would enable us to take stock of the direction we have pursued so far and resolve to serve Freemasonry with rejuvenated vigour.
With fraternal regards
R.W.Bro.T N Manoharan
Regional Grand Master, RGLSI

Dear Most/Right/Very/Wor. Brethren & Brethren All,
Greetings from the Organising Committee of Half Yearly Meeting of the RGLSI. Hope this message reaches you well and in good spirits. On behalf of the organising committee I would like to extend you our invitation to attend the half yearly meet at Goa.
Avontade Goa, as we have named, it means Royal Goa. And as chairman of the organising committee, I would like to assure you that we will leave no stone unturned to make your experience for the half yearly meet truly Royal and one to be remembered for a long long time.
It will be an opportunity to come together, share knowledge, strengthen our bonds & reaffirm our commitment to the principles of freemasonry. Your presence and participation is invaluable and I urge each one of you to register and attend in large numbers.
Together, let us make this meeting successful and I assure you that it will be an occasion to be remembered forever.
W.Bro.Pankaj Saraf
Organizing Chairman